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To bypass a zone and change a battery:
- STEP 1: Put System in Test Mode – Call Security Coverage and provide passcode. Call 1-888-684-2684 (8am – 11pm EST)
- STEP 2: Locate the contact with the low battery (there may be more than one), then refer to the videos (links to the left) for battery replacement.
- STEP 3: Once all batteries have been changed, the green check mark on panel should light up.
- STEP 4: Cycle the System by arming and disarming.
- STEP 5: Take System out of Test Mode – Call Security Coverage and provide passcode.
DSC Videos

To bypass a zone and change a battery
- STEP 1: Press the Home Button at the bottom of the control panel.
- STEP 2: Press the Security Button on the panel, then select zones.
- STEP 3: Select the contact with low battery alarm, then press the bypass button.
- STEP 4: Enter your passcode.
- STEP 5: Change the battery in the zone device.
- STEP 6: Go back into zones on the control panel, select the zone that had the low battery alarm and enter your passcode. Now you can press the Home button at the bottom of the panel.